
Why The Potting Shed is my favorite nursery...

I love, love, love The Potting ShedThe Potting Shed, in Dunnville, Ontario, is one the best garden nurseries I've ever visited, ever. I've been to many nurseries in North America and this one has a great recipe. The layout and design of the place is wonderful, including a shaded perennial sale area, amazing (not too big, not too small) display gardens, multiple green houses, a daylily field, a converted barn/green house, corn silos with chickens and peafowl, a small barn with chickens, rabbits, goats and pot-belly pigs and one very grand pond and waterfall at the centre of the property.
The shaded perennial sale-display area. Looks like an old barn foundation.
Lots of little treats and surprises in each row and around every corner!
The pond feature is spectacular! Very stunning, yet natural and welcoming. 
The hosta display garden, designed to perfection with height and colour at play. 
Willow-leafed Sunflower, I absolutely love the texture of this plant!
The variegated Giant Reed is in the background, I took one home with me after this trip.
The display plant choices are a-typical and very modern, in the sense that its surprising, intriguing and very unique. The owner Jack Kent is very friendly, extremely knowledgeable and a kind soul. The nursery offers a very special "plant-shopping" experience, I find it very hard to spend less than an hour there and I still have more plants I want to take a peak at. The plant quality is very good, and it is priced accordingly. Although it's a bit out of my price range (being a starving student, and all),  I'm the perennial advisor to my family-home garden, so my say on plants usually wins out. The plant size and vigor is very consistent, I've never had one of there plants die on me, nor will I ever have to worry.
A collage of the various lilies I encountered, there were honestly so many nice ones to choose from! I especially liked the spider-daylilies! You can order 12 varieties for $99.00 through The Potting Shed's website.
If your in Dunnville Ontario, or live in Southern Ontario, go check out The Potting Shed! You won't be disappointed!
The daylily display area by the pond, plenty of show-stoppers.
The hosta display and sale shade-house, a stunning crop of over 200 varieties.
Daylilies and Asiatics together on display.
Hosta "Niagara Falls", a big beauty.
The daylily beds, too many varieties, its like a candy-shop!
More daylilies in a house.
 Stay tunned for a follow up post about my July plant haul and garden updates!


  1. it's a nice nursery indeed. I would just walk around through the pathways, enjoying the view of so many plants.....

  2. OMG! Our nurseries in Finland are much modestier - nothing like that. I envy you!


  3. Now that's a place I'd like to visit!
