
Being a Better Blogger & Resolutions

Happy New Years everyone! I did a lot of thinking over the holidays and have really been thinking about doing a much better job at blogging this year. I'm always thinking about things shoulda-woulda-coulda posted and I really let things fall behind after my first set of exams last year. It's really something I want to do, so I'm sticking to it this time! I have so much to catch up on and some great things coming up that I can't wait to share with you!

Many things have happened since we spoke last! I'm living in my first apartment with my friend Emilie (From Quebec City) and in my second year of Art Education at Concordia University in Montreal! This semester I am entering my second teaching practicum and taking some very interesting education and sociology classes. Not to mention my second year of painting class, and things are going great!

Other changes this "time-around" is a blog make-over coming up and my guarantee is to try and post every week and to always post my best photos! If you have idea for a post, a product review, or something you'd like to see me try, drop a comment or send me a message!

I just finished my new-years resolutions, did you? Fill the comment box with your favourite resolution! I'll be posting mine, later this week.

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