
My Brief Encounter with Ottawa

On my way to Peterborough for Nationals, I had a quick lay over in Ottawa! There I got to see some very good friends; Lyon and Erin. Erin is at the University of Ottawa and Lyon is finishing high school there. I was so happy to see them! I can't wait for them to visit me, here in Montreal! They best part about visiting Ottawa when I did, was that no one was there! I had the whole "classic" tour with only a few tourists and my friends. (It was at 8:30am) Here are some pictures, enjoy!

Lyon and his handmade long-board, (beautiful!)
standing by the Women's Rights Statues.

Erin and I enjoying hot chocolate in a cafe, in the market, where Obama visited.

It had lots of baked-goods! Canada-cookies!

Canadian Parliament building,
so much pride, so much disappointment (Haha)

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