
The Montreal Visit Adventure!

I was really lucky to have my exams finish on the 11th of December, some students don't finish their exams until the 22nd. Bronwyn and Dad came up to the big-poutine city for a retrieval visit. They launched away from Guelph in the wee hours of the morning and arrived close to lunch. While my dad slept in my comfy bed, Bronwyn and I hit the town. I bought her a disposable-film camera so she could take her own pictures of the adventure. We took the Metro to the Pie-IX Station and did the Biodome tour.
Posing in the Biodome, St.Laurent Exhibit.

Amazonian Fish, and the instant camera!

Bronwyn Outside the Olympic Stadium.

After the Biodome, we headed back on the Metro and went back home to my apartment. Bronwyn, my dad and I then went out for dinner downtown at a retro diner style restaurant. They ordered poutine, and I had a salad for starters. My dad ordered a massive smoked meat sand which, Bronwyn had a little burger and I had a vegetable primavera. It was a welcome change from my cheap college meals.

Posing in an alley-way... her idea.

In the Apple Store!

Our dinner at the diner: Nickel's Restaurant.

Driving home in the early morning!

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