
Bronwyn's 7th Birthday

I can't believe she is already 7 years old! Where did all that time go! At least I can look back on all that time in photographs and movies that I took. Let's just say she is a very well-documented child. Like all of Bronwyn's birthdays, we have the full advantage of the summer, using the pool, the grass and the sun to our advantage. Not to mention the kids are all out of school and most summer-attractions are open for birthday groups. I set up a dress-up photo shoot for her and her friends, they swam in the pool and played games on the grass. We served ice cream cake of course because Bronwyn hates cake. We actually stuck candles in a pie on her actual birthday... yup that's my weirdo kid sister.
A bunch of Goofy-Groovy Girls!

She loves to pose right now...

The Big Birthday Pie!

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