
Thanksgiving 2010

In October I went home for Thanksgiving, it was as short trip, but it was relaxing and fantastic to see everyone again. Dinner was a great relief from the strange cafeteria food. They cook nice things but they put certain veggies in the wrong dishes like baby corn in vegetarian lasagna. Or corn in quiche. Its just strange.

Everyone was in good spirits and we had a great evening enjoying the fall feast classics! We used my home-grown herbs, beets and carrots! Not only were my veggies sweet and yummy, they looked fantastic. I couldn't help but say every 2 minutes "How are our organic fresh beets?! Did you know that the turkey is only seasoned with our herbs?! I mean wow, yum!" I'm so excited for next year's crop!

I would love to show you the beautiful pictures, but for what ever reason I don't have them on my computer. They are awesome I promise. I'll post them as soon as I can. Instead I will show you Scamp's first adventure to the big trail dog park in Guelph. We had great weather and Scamp voluntarily dipped his paws in the pond!

Scamp, Chip and Finnegan
Fall colours at the park!

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