
Apple Picking in Oka, Quebec!

Today was so much fun! I got up early (for the weekend) and headed down to the sports complex to go apple picking with the girls in Oka. Turns out it was just me, Estair, Sarah, Jackie and Graeme and his kids; Gavin and Morgan. Jackie also brought her chocolate lab, Buffy. It was a beautiful ride and there were grey clouds all day. It didn't rain until we finished up at the orchard. The orchard is called "Jude-Pomme" they have 8 varieties of apples and 3 varieties of pears. The only apples available to pick were; Macintosh, Spartan, Lobo, and Crispin. I filled my 25lb bag with a mix of all of them. We weren't allowed to pick pears, but I snuck some grounders into my back-pack. There was also an Oka Cheese stand, where I bought some very reasonable "Fou du Roi" organic Oka 9 month cheese. Graeme's son, Gavin loved the strongest blue cheese and they bought a chunk of that. Later we drove to the ferry docks, past the Oka cheese factory and stopped at a Frits & Croutes resto for a quick lunch. I had the home-cut fries, the Quebecois love thier fries. We then boarded the ferry and drove home. It was a great relaxing day.

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