
Cottage Life!

Sorry, It's been so long. I haven't been on my computer or watched a lot of TV recently, the weather has been to good! The family has been super busy as well, from sports, the dog, the cottage and friends. Recently we spent a week up at my uncle Alain's sister's (Frances Lajeuness) cottage. I drove up on a Saturday with my grandma and aunt Cheryl. They even let me drive a couple kilometres on the cottage roads. It was funny to see the line of cars behind me, even if I was going to speed limit.

We arrived all in one piece and had a nice quiet evening and rainy day with Paula, Alain and Malin, before Mark, Tamara, (cousins) Emma, Brooke, Joel and puppy Claira arrived. They bring lots of fun, and there was always lots to do when they were around! I went on a boat tour with all the kids, and Emma and I caught up down by the dock. There was also so much food, it was hard to believe that water was the only thing we really ran out of all week.

The next day we all made bets on when my family would arrive. Based on the "normal" family, if they departed around 11-11:30am they would arrive around 4-4:30. Therefor I bet they would arrive at 6:30, with Aidan and Bronwyn being car-sick victims and Scamp needing breaks, and everybody getting hungry. The bets filled in from around 5:30 to 7:15pm. To every one's delight, the Sweeney-Rogers family rolled in at around 8:30pm.

The rest of the week was spent in half chaos and half gloriously sunny weather, enjoying good-eats, warm water, water sports, a little fishing, a trip to the island and camping out under attack of raccoons. We even had an outing to the dump to see some bears, and my dad and I enjoyed an evening canoe paddle around Little Kenisis Lake.

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